Series of poems on whiteness at Boston Review; more, with audio, at The Racial Imaginary Institute
“Poem” at Poem-a-Day (Academy of American Poets)
“The Imagination, Drunk with Prohibitions,” from All You Do Is Perceive, at Poetry Daily
“All You Do Is Perceive,” “Death is Something Entirely Else,” and “December, Fever,” at the Poetry Foundation
“Rescue Song,” from All You Do Is Perceive, at Gulf Coast
“Mother’s Love“ (as it appears in American Poetry Review), from All You Do Is Perceive
“A Lynched Man Came With the Mail Onto My Desk” (with short essay) at Aboutaword
Five poems from The Garden Room
“Some Rain” from Fabulae (The Best American Poetry)
“Awake in the Scratchy Dark: On Writing Whiteness” in American Poetry Review
“The Color Cure” (review of immersive conceptual installation by [nonexistent] artist Lee Crouch) at Scoundrel Time
“Larimer and Orphan” (long form) at Places: A journal of urbanism, architecture, and landscape
Writing Whiteness at Post No Ills
“Guardian“: Adventures in home security at Better Culture & Lit
“Left Behind“: Hating poetry after my mother died (at the Poetry Foundation)
“Baby Poetics” in American Poetry Review
Motherhood, space-time, and feelings: On Brenda Hillman’s “Time Problem“ (at Voltage Poetry)
On John Berryman in At Length
On Brenda Shaughnessy’s Our Andromeda
On George Oppen’s silence at Jacket
On Robert Hass at the Poetry Foundation
“Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye: Notes on the Ends of Poems” (in The Monkey and the Wrench: Essays into Contemporary Poetics)
With Brian Bender at The Conversant, on All You Do Is Perceive
All You Do Is Perceive: Paris Review
An interview with Haines Eason on The Garden Room
Adaptation: with Walter Murch on translating the Italian fiction writer Curzio Malaparte
“Poem” on SoundCloud
Nothing says “Happy Mother’s Day” like a poem about an abortion: Poetry Off the Shelf podcast (with Erika Meitner)
Poems in the archive at From the Fishouse
The black voice in John Berryman’s Dream Songs: video of my talk at Harvard