- “Awake in the Scratchy Dark: On Writing Whiteness” (essay) in American Poetry Review
- “49 Orgasms, 15 Women” (poem) forthcoming 2020 in The Offing
- Review of White: An Abstract (handmade chapbook excerpt of The Color Cure) at EcoTheo Review
- Two poems from “Birthmother miss” (series) in Washington Square (fall 2019)
- Poems from The Color Cure (formerly called White: An Abstract) in Boston Review
- “Don’t Walk” selected by Amy Hempel for Best Small Fictions
- (“Don’t Walk” originally appeared in FLASHED: Sudden Stories in Comics and Prose)
- Larimer and Orphan, an essay on sausage, gentrification, and a neighborhood, in Places, a journal of urbanism, architecture, and public spaces
- Washington D.C. premiere of One Large, an immersive community project about race and money
- (One Large debuted in Pittsburgh and was featured in The Guardian)
- One Large is a production of the activist art collective Ifyoureallyloveme
- White: An Abstract selected by Cornelius Eady as a finalist for the Center for Book Arts Chapbook Prize